Was back from bintan 2days ago actually but too tired to post.
4days 3night trip, terrible. Having war with the mosquitoes and house flies almost every sec.. Stomping feets while brushing teeth just to make sure no mosquitoes land their feet on my legs. Spraying insect repellent like bathing but still not much of use. STILL KENA!
1st day. Really open up my eyes by the things there. Consider ourself very blessed to be living in singapore! In bintan, friendly people, chicken everywhere, 3cars parallel on a two way road, more motorcycles den cars, mosquitoes and flies everywhere, humpy road, no trafic lights and many many more...Took the ferry from TMFT, rush up to the upper deck to grab ourselfs the best sit, we are from singapore afterall! Everyone's hair was blown up, down, left, right by the sea breeze. Everyone started off with the mood to enjoy the sea breeze but after 1hour on the ferry. All thats left in peoples mind is" WTH when are we going reach!". Along the way people started throwing guesses of which is the island we are going to land on but no bingos..lols. Took another 1hour bus trip and finally we reached loola resort. Not as what I expect to be but not far from it either. The water there were crystal clear, even from your chest level you can see whats on the floor too, effortless. Mountain climbing and boom netting was our first day activity. Damn the mountain climbing! Cant feel my leg muscles after that. Boom netting was up next, it's just an activity that requires you to jump into the sea from a certain height. Very high lor...jump jump jump...and we reached the survivor island. We have no facilities to shower there, whatever we have on ourselfs stays until tomorrow~ hahahas..dirty right? No choice but not too bad also la. The water is very clean compared to the one we had on east coast or santosa. Picked sea shells and STARFISH! For the first time in my life I TOUCHED a living star fish! Amazing~Basically that ends the first day...

The chinese groups. Actually the camp is split into two major groups. chinese and malay.
2nd day. we took a boat to survivor island but we had to kayak back to loola~ quite fun la, our kayak can suddenly crash into some sea corals in the middle of no where, titanic~ BUT nevermind~ one of us can always jump down and push...hahahas...The water level there hardly even reached our neck! Thats the reason why my team capsize 3 times. Had quite a hard time to reach loola...Rested in our camp bunk. WOAH~! Finally theres bed! The first night was nightmare! War with the flies and sandflies through out the night~ Did our CIP project after rest, at the orphanage. The children there are very cheerfull and easily complacent. They dont ask for more or complaining about the gifts we had from them... Honestly I felt that the gifts were not really fantastic but the expression on the childrens faces tells me that they really appreciate. Learn quite alot of malay words through out the event...

HE IS SO GONNA BE MY NEXT FAVOURITE SINGER! Although I dont understand malay but he sang it so nice that I wish I do understand!
3rd day. Raft building in the morning~ hahas..piece of cake! of course my group's raft dint sink~ coconut tree and rock climbing in the afternoon. The coconut tree climb really enables people to know how big their balls are! WTH~ after climbing up a 10-15metres coconut tree, we have to walk across to another end by a thin tree trunk and then back to the center to jump down. The only help we have is the safety rope. My legs were shaking up there, I dint mean to.
Dont elaborate on the rock climbing la.. I sucks at that..=(... campfire at night~ very very very very cool...I will never forget that night! The best camp fire I've been to.

4th day. Packed up stuffs and get ready to leave the place. Time flies when good things happen. I think the mosquitoes there is missing me...

Good time flies but they turned to unforgettable memories.. Ciao people!